On September 03rd, 2020 Will Simmons Director and Principal of Harbour Island Green School (HIGS) presented at The Rotary Club of Eleuthera. Mr. Simmons shared how important the involvement of the Community has been in the success of HIGS.

Mr. Simmons was employed in the traditional public-school system but felt that he could make a difference in the educational system by creating a community-integrated learning model with better outcomes for the students.

The School’s Vision is to create a relevant educational and community organization that helps children to reach their fullest potential and makes a vital contribution to the surrounding community



There are four key components that create the framework of how HIGS operates. They are Authenticity where a learning model prioritizes real-world problem solving, intentionally builds bridges between the classroom and the world around us. Secondly Community, there is a need to bring stakeholders together to create strong frameworks for collaboration. Teamwork is important so that students can see the community working together. Parents, teachers, and students participate in community initiatives like food drives and cleanups. Thirdly, Accountability,

to actualize the school’s mission, there is a need to know if stakeholders are acting effectively. This can be done by Teacher reflection; a regular collection of actionable data collection through technological solutions; a constructive dialogue between parents and teachers and weekly professional development. Fourthly, Equity, there is no hope for a fair society and an effective, education system unless stakeholders feel there is equity and fairness.

This can be achieved with fair access, flexible tuition co-operative funding model; transparent decision making; regular constructive stake holder discussions and collaborative problem solving
